The Social Food

The Social Food

Online-Artikel-Nr: 0013571607
  • TitelThe Social Food
  • EinbandartHardcover
  • Seiten320
  • SpracheEnglisch

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Sophisticated, accessible recipes with international flair from the most exciting duo in the Parisian culinary scene that will impress any foodie at your next dinner party.
Discerning epicureans, look no further. Presented by Shirley Garrier and Mathieu Zouhairi, the duo behind The Social Food, this beautiful cookbook is the must-have guide for anyone looking to master their unique take on shopping for, preparing-and most importantly-enjoying good food. Inspired by their love for travel, their contemporary approach to cooking is enhanced by ingredients and techniques brought back from their numerous voyages.
Blending French, Japanese, Vietnamese, Italian, and Spanish culinary traditions, each recipe packs complex flavors while requiring minimal effort using simple, everyday ingredients that anyone can source. With sandwiches, rice, soups, fish, desserts, pasta, cocktails, and more, the dynamic plates radiate freshness and vibrancy. Captured during the duo's travels, gorgeous images of ingredients and local food shops punctuate the dishes. From a sardine banh mi and mushroom rigatoni to ramen with winter vegetables and a burnt cheesecake with dark chocolate and mezcal, each plate is perfectly adapted for seasoned cooks and amateur home chefs alike. This is the food that will guarantee "Wow, this is amazing!" at your next gathering.

Titel & Produktsprache

TitelThe Social Food
UntertitelHome Cooking Inspired by the Flavors of the World
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Titel & Produktsprache

TitelThe Social Food
UntertitelHome Cooking Inspired by the Flavors of the World

Autoren & Verlag

Autor/-inJulien Dô Lê Pham, Shirley Garrier und Mathieu Zouhairi
VerlagRandom House N.Y.

Auflage & Publikationsort


Buch Eigenschaften



Gewicht0.9 kg
Höhe213 mm
Breite152 mm
Dicke39 mm



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