Harry Potter: Magical Creatures: A Movie Scrapbook

Harry Potter: Magical Creatures: A Movie Scrapbook

Online-Artikel-Nr: 0008436328
  • ThemenbereichWirtschaft & Recht
  • Autor/-inJody Revenson
  • Seiten48
  • EinbandartHardcover

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Harry Potter: Magical Creatures: A Movie Scrapbook


Packed with bonus collectible cards, art prints, stickers, posters, and more, Harry Potter: Magical Creatures: A Movie Scrapbook is a one-of-a-kind guide to the unique creatures of the Wizarding World.
From centaurs to merpeople and horn-tailed dragons, magical creatures and terrifying beasts are beloved and fascinating characters in the Harry Potter films.
This magical scrapbook features detailed profiles on the creatures of the Wizarding World, including concept art and behind-the-scenes photography, giving fans an in-depth look at Dark creatures such as the Basilisk that resides in the Chamber of Secrets; beloved creature companions like Hedwig, Fawkes, Fang; and everything in between. Filled with filmmaking secrets, this unique volume brings the creatures from the Harry Potter films to life like never before. Packed with removable stickers, posters, and more, Harry Potter: Magical Creatures: A Movie Scrapbook is destined to be a must-have collectible for fans of Harry Potter.
A MAGICAL MENAGERIE: Learn about more than 25 magical creatures from the Harry Potter films, from Thestrals and Cornish pixies to beloved characters including Hedwig, Fawkes, and Dobby. Also included are some creatures from the Fantastic Beasts film series. BONUS COLLECTIBLES: Includes over a dozen stickers, posters, trading cards, and more! BEHIND-THE-SCENES MOVIE FACTS: Includes facts, trivia, and stories about magical creatures from the Harry Potter movie sets. STUNNING ART AND IMAGES: Photos from the films and gorgeous concept illustrations bring the world of magical creatures to life!

Titel & Produktsprache

TitelHarry Potter: Magical Creatures: A Movie Scrapbook
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Titel & Produktsprache

TitelHarry Potter: Magical Creatures: A Movie Scrapbook

Autoren & Verlag

Autor/-inJody Revenson
VerlagSimon & Schuster N.Y.

Auflage & Publikationsort


Buch Eigenschaften

ThemenbereichWirtschaft & Recht
Altersempfehlung ab12 Jahre


Gewicht0.39 kg
Höhe203 mm
Breite203 mm
Dicke15 mm



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