Exam Ref MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals

Exam Ref MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals

Online-Artikel-Nr: 0014131318
  • TitelExam Ref MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals
  • VerlagPearson Academic
  • EinbandartSoftcover
  • Seiten288

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Exam Ref MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals


Prepare for Microsoft Exam MS-900 and help demonstrate your mastery of cloud services, the Software as a Service cloud model, and the options and benefits of Microsoft 365 cloud service offerings. Designed for IT professionals, Exam Ref focuses on critical thinking and decision-making acumen needed for success at the Microsoft Certified Fundamentals level.
Focus on the expertise measured by these objectives:
  • Describe cloud concepts
  • Describe Microsoft 365 apps and services
  • Describe security, compliance, privacy, and trust in Microsoft 365
  • Describe Microsoft 365 pricing, licensing, and support
This Microsoft Exam Ref:
  • Organizes its coverage by exam objectives
  • Features strategic, what-if scenarios to challenge you
  • Assumes you are a business user, IT professional, or student interested in cloud computing and technologies, including individuals planning to pursue more advanced Microsoft 365 certification.
About the Exam Exam MS-900 focuses on using cloud services; different types of cloud services; core Microsoft 365components; comparisons between Microsoft 365 and on-premises services; modern management concepts; Microsoft 365 collaboration, mobility and analytics; Microsoft 365 security and compliance concepts; unified endpoint management; security usage scenarios and services; the Service Trust portal and Compliance Manager; Microsoft 365 licensing options; pricing; support; and service lifecycles.
About Microsoft Certification Passing this exam fulfills your requirements for the Microsoft 365 Certified Fundamentals certification credential, proving that you understand Microsoft 365 options, as well as the benefits of adopting cloud services, the Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud model, and Microsoft 365 cloud services in particular.
See full details at: microsoft.com/learn

Titel & Produktsprache

TitelExam Ref MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals
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Titel & Produktsprache

TitelExam Ref MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals

Autoren & Verlag

Autor/-inCraig Zacker
VerlagPearson Academic

Auflage & Publikationsort

Auflage Nr.2

Buch Eigenschaften



Gewicht0.52 kg
Höhe233 mm
Breite190 mm
Dicke13 mm



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