Creative Ways to Use Up Leftovers

Creative Ways to Use Up Leftovers

Online-Artikel-Nr: 0008461066
  • TitelCreative Ways to Use Up Leftovers
  • EinbandartSoftcover
  • Seiten336
  • SpracheEnglisch

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Creative Ways to Use Up Leftovers


Creative Ways to Use Up Leftovers is an A-Z of over 450 possible leftover ingredients and provides smart, interesting, quirky and delicious ways of using them up.
With this book you'll discover great ways of making the most of every scrap of food available, without being forced into the cycle of buying more ingredients just to use up your leftovers. It includes hundreds of suggestions for imaginative, ingredient-inspired cooking that prevents food from going to waste and saves you money. · Never again leave food to fester because you can't think what to do with it. · Take advantage of special offers and discover the many ways they can be enjoyed. · Use even small amounts of food to create a 'cook's treat' or as a tasting sample. · Enjoy the freedom of impromptu cooking with the ultimate list of essential store cupboard, fridge and freezer basics - you won't have to hit the shops in order to use up what you have. · Be inspired by hundreds of fun and useful tips including how to turn a lonely bacon rasher into Bacon Salt to sprinkle on poached eggs, roast tomatoes, cheese on toast, or any number of things. · Try one of the many delicious dishes that can be made with bread, even when stale, from French Toast and Bread Pudding to Panzanella and Skordalia. Creative Ways to Use Up Leftovers also includes many basic recipes, explains which flavours complement each ingredient and provides useful storage advice to keep your food fresh for longer.

Titel & Produktsprache

TitelCreative Ways to Use Up Leftovers
UntertitelAn Inspiring A - Z of Ingredients and Delicious Ideas
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Titel & Produktsprache

TitelCreative Ways to Use Up Leftovers
UntertitelAn Inspiring A - Z of Ingredients and Delicious Ideas

Autoren & Verlag

Autor/-inSuzy Bowler
VerlagLittle, Brown and Company

Auflage & Publikationsort

Erscheinungsjahr2018 Jahr

Buch Eigenschaften



Gewicht0.26 kg
Höhe196 mm
Breite128 mm
Dicke22 mm



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