War of the Windsors

War of the Windsors

Online-Artikel-Nr: 0014133115
  • TitelWar of the Windsors
  • VerlagCarlton Publishing
  • EinbandartHardcover
  • Seiten320

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War of the Windsors


Telling the story of their lives from children to modern day, this fascinating and revelatory new book will look at the fraught relationship (and fiery rivalry) between King Charles and Prince Andrew.
Raised for vastly different futures, one burdened with the responsibility of becoming the future king and the other destined to live in his shadow, Charles and Andrew have spent their lives on different sides of the same coin.
War of the Windsors tells, for the first time, the complete story of Charles and Andrew from their diverging childhoods to their current struggles. It looks at the distinct but overlapping stories of the two heirs, from being separated in their early years and the Queen's supposed overindulgence of Andrew to the competition for Lady Diana and finally, Charles' ascension to throne while his brother is stripped of Royal duties. And it explores whether, with the scandals around Andrew still fresh in public memory, Charles will ever let his brother back into the family.
With extensive research and expert sourcing, War of the Windsors is the incredible inside story of a family in turmoil. Recounting the highs and lows of a brotherhood then turned into a rivalry, royal author and journalist Nigel Cawthorne looks at the makings of a decades long feud and questions whether, ultimately, the brothers will one day band together again.

Titel & Produktsprache

TitelWar of the Windsors
UntertitelThe Inside Story of Charles, Andrew and the Rivalry That Has Defined the Royal Family
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Titel & Produktsprache

TitelWar of the Windsors
UntertitelThe Inside Story of Charles, Andrew and the Rivalry That Has Defined the Royal Family

Autoren & Verlag

Autor/-inNigel Cawthorne
VerlagCarlton Publishing

Auflage & Publikationsort


Buch Eigenschaften



Gewicht0.56 kg
Höhe232 mm
Breite162 mm
Dicke34 mm



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