Your Place or Mine?

Your Place or Mine?

Online-Artikel-Nr: 0013838531
  • TitelYour Place or Mine?
  • VerlagIngram Publishers Services
  • EinbandartSoftcover
  • Seiten224

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  • In depth critique of the invention of "sexuality” and "homosexuality” since the 19th century, which provides a history of the rise of identity in popular and academic discourse.
  • Challenges contemporary perceptions of class and gender, and provides a truly novel critique of sex identities, creating a radical theoretical framework that challenges hyper-capitalism and the State.
  • Will interest LGBT+ activists, but can also serve as a beginner's guide to the sex/gender question.
  • Your Place or Mine is an inclusive, accessible, theoretical critique of labeling grounded in historical research. The book reexamines past and present historical landmarks in gay culture, arguing that class and the dominant culture have largely determined the evolution of sexuality and its various contemporary "identities.”
  • Gilles Dauvé has had a long-standing interest in the sex/gender question. In the '70s, he was part of the collective that published the French radical gay magazine Le Fléau Social mentioned in chapter 7 of the book.
  • Your Place or Mine? A 21st Century Essay on (Same)Sex was first written as a series of articles on the French DDT 21 blog (, turned into a book published by Niet! in 2018: HOMO. Question sociale & question sexuelle de 1864 à nos jours. The English version has been extensively rewritten, its structure altered and two new chapters added, including one on countries (most of the world, in fact), where sex separation (or segregation) between "man” and "woman” matters at least as much as sexual orientations (other sex/same sex), and where "homosexuality” is still repressed or outlawed.

Titel & Produktsprache

TitelYour Place or Mine?
UntertitelA 21st Century Essay on Same Sex
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Titel & Produktsprache

TitelYour Place or Mine?
UntertitelA 21st Century Essay on Same Sex

Autoren & Verlag

Autor/-inGilles Dauvé
VerlagIngram Publishers Services

Auflage & Publikationsort


Buch Eigenschaften



Gewicht0.19 kg
Höhe128 mm
Breite203 mm
Dicke13 mm



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