The Cook You Want to Be

The Cook You Want to Be

Online-Artikel-Nr: 0008461553
  • TitelThe Cook You Want to Be
  • EinbandartHardcover
  • Seiten336
  • SpracheEnglisch

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A New York Times Bestseller
Define and develop your individual cooking style - and become the cook you want to be - in 120 flavour-forward everyday recipes and easy-to-understand techniques.
Andy Baraghani is the talented chef behind many of Bon Appetit's viral recipes - favourites like Cauliflower Bolognese, Tahini Ranch Dressing and Ramen Noodles with Miso Pesto - he creates wow-factor flavours, delivers beautiful and satisfying meals with minimal fuss and reworks well-known dishes in utterly delicious ways.
Andy's love of flavour began with the comforting dishes of his Iranian parents' immigrant household. Blending the home cooking of his upbringing and his professional training, Andy evolved into a culinary influencer by asking himself, 'What kind of cook do I want to be?'. In answering that question for himself - the cook who can balance flavours and the cook who makes a perfect salad, for example - he became known for trying new techniques, working with easy-to-find but underused ingredients and creating unexpected combinations.
Among his debut cookbook's 120 recipes and 120 sumptuous photographs you'll find for new surefire hits, such as Roasted Beetroot with Mint and Sesame, Pomegranate-Glazed Chicken Legs with Buttery Almonds, plus dozens of dishes to refresh and expand your weekly repertoire. In essays throughout the book, Baraghani shares convictions and key lessons.
This cookbook is a genre-breaking cookbook of transformative techniques and recipes that will guide all to become the kind of cook that they want to be.

Titel & Produktsprache

TitelThe Cook You Want to Be
UntertitelEveryday Recipes to Impress
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Titel & Produktsprache

TitelThe Cook You Want to Be
UntertitelEveryday Recipes to Impress

Autoren & Verlag

Autor/-inAndy Baraghani
VerlagRandom House UK

Auflage & Publikationsort


Buch Eigenschaften

ThemenbereichAllgemeine Kochbücher


Gewicht1.42 kg
Höhe275 mm
Breite211 mm
Dicke26 mm



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